Karakterisasi Horizon Ap Berdasarkan Sekuen Topografi pada Lahan Kritis di Kecamatan Pasirwangi Kabupaten Garut
Ridha Hudaya, Ir., MS.
degradasi tanah, erosi, Erosion, kualitas tanah, soil degradation, soil quality
The objective of the experiment was to know the difference of Ap Horizon character based on Topography sequent on the critical land in Kecamatan Pasirwangi, Kabupaten Garut, and to know the best of Horizon Ap character based on Topography Sequent in physical, chemical, and biological properties. The experiment was conducted in potatoes field located in Kecamatan Pasirwangi, Kabupaten Garut on April to November 2007. The experiment accomplished by survey method and soil sampling method for soil chemical analysis. Soil samples were taken compositely by geomorfological approach with Topography Sequent (Transect), Diagonal, and Random Diagonal that estimated could represent the chemical soil properties of the studied area. The soil samples were taken from the top soil in the depth of 0-30 cm, about one kg. That one kilogram soil was the composite sample derived from three or four sample sites. The results of field observation and laboratory analysis showed that the soil condition in the studied area had decreased soil qualities of physical, chemical, and biological properties, as the impact of erosion. The soil quality on top slopes have the worse quality compared with the slopes in lower location because of leaching of the top soil in higher slopes caused lost of soil nutrients. Consequently, the soil condition in the foot slopes showed the best quality since the soil nutrients accumulated in this location through the erosion process of higher slopes.
Key words: Erosion, soil quality, soil degradation.