Bioavailability Of Protein And Calcium In Instant Noodle With Anchovy Fish Powder Mixed
anchovy fish powder, bioavailability, calcium, instant noodle, protein
The Research objectives of bioavailability of protein and calcium in instant noodle with anchovy fish powder mixed are to analyze the improvement of calcium and protein concentration in instant noodle, sensory analysis, nutrition value, and bioavailability of protein and calcium in instant noodle produced.
This research was conducted in two phases which consists of production of anchovy fish powder and the application of anchovy fish powder into instant noodle. Anchovy fish powder analyzed in physicochemical properties in order to determine the formulation of anchovy fish powder in instant noodle. Instant noodle with anchovy fish powder was analyzed in nutrition value and its composition of sensory aspect. The finest instant noodle formulation with anchovy fish powder mixed was further examined of its bioavailability of protein and calcium.
Nutrition value analyses consist of measurement of water, proteins, lipids, minerals, calcium and carbohydrates content in instant noodle. Sensory analysis was divided into color, taste, aroma and texture of instant noodle. Bioavailability of protein n calcium evaluated using in vivo method using casein as a control Net Protein Utilization (NPU), Net Protein Ratio (NPR) and Biological Value (BV) are the aspects which measured in bioavailability of protein. Bioavailability of calcium determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS).
The research result showed instant noodle mixed with 7.5% anchovy fish powder was the best instant noodle form which represented by composition aspect, nutrition, sensory analysis, and bioavailability of protein and calcium (C analysis which 7.5 % anchovy fish powder ). The utilization of anchovy fish powder in instant noodle showed enhanced the nutrition value, accepted in sensory analysis, and the highest bioavailability of protein and calcium of the instant noodle.