Pengaruh Berbagai Waktu Pangkasan Dan Pupuk Organik Sebagai Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Nilam (Pogostemon Cablin Benth.) Var. Sidikalang
Rija Sudirja, SP., MT.
Produksi Nilam (Pogostemon Cablin Benth.) Var. Sidikalang, Pupuk Organik
The objective of the experiment is to know the best pinching time and organic fertilizer as plant media on growth and yield of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) Sidikalang Clon.
The experiment was conducted at The Agriculture Experiment Station University of Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. The Altitude 700 m above sea level, the soil type is Inceptisol and ph 5,6. The type of rainfall according to Schmidt Ferguson (1951) is C. The experiment was began from January auntil May 2006.
Randomized Block Design (RDB) was used in this experiment, consisted og nine treatments and replicated three times. The treatments were follow : A = Pinching time 15 days after planting (DAP) and UNPAD compost (2:1); B= Pinching time 30 DAP and UNPAD compost (2:1); C = Pinching time 45 DAP and UNPAD compost (2:1); D = Pinching time 15 DAP and casting (2:1); E = Pinching time 30 DAP and casting (2:1); F = Pinching time 45 DAP and casting (2:1); G = Pinching time 15 DAP and sheep manure (2:1); H = Pinching time 30 DAP and sheep manure (2:1); I = Pinching time 45 DAP and sheep manure (2:1).
The result of the experiment showed that pinching time 30 DAP and sheep manure (2:1) gave good effect on growth component as plant height 8, 12 week after planting (WAP); and leaf number 8 WAP. Pinching time 45 DAP and casting (2 :1) gave better effect on plant height 4 and 8 WAP. Pinching time 15 DAP and casting (2:1) gave better effect on plant heigh 12 WAP, yield, higher leaf number and rendement.