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Mioglobin Gen Expression In Soleus Muscle, Gastrocnemius And Cardiac Muscle After Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise In Wistar Rat Muscle

Mioglobin Gen Expression In Soleus Muscle, Gastrocnemius And Cardiac Muscle After Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise In Wistar Rat Muscle
Reni Farenia, Roni Lesmana, Ambrosius Purba, Ieva B.Akbar, Nurhalim Shahib, Noriyuki Koibuchi, Noriaki Shimokawa
Unpad, Gunma University-Japan
Unpad, Gunma University-Japan
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Myoglobin (Mb) is a cytoplasmic hemoprotein and have an important role in oxygen binding, as an oxygen transporter and storage to maintain physiological process for human body adaptation in hypoxia condition. The role of exercise in enhancing physical fitness is already well known. Unfortunately this statement have not any scientific reason in mRNA myoglobin and its level related to aerobic and anaerobic exercise and also its function as an hypoxia indicator.

Animal experimental study about mRNA Mb of soleus, gastrocnemius and cardiac muscle was done using 15 Wistar rats (Rattus Norvegicus) in Laboratorium of Integrative Physiology Graduate school of Medicine, Gunma University Japan. . The aim of this study was to know the difference effect between aerobic and anaerobic exercises using animal treadmill on myoglobin gene (mRNA) expression as an indicator of tissue hypoxia.. mRNA Mb concentration was examined by AGPC method and RT- PCR was done to know the difference effect between aerobic and anaerobic exercise on myoglobin gene expression of soleus,gastrocnemius and cardiac muscles.

The statistical analysis using Anova on myoglobin gene expression (mRNAMb) showed very significant (p?0,01) that aerobic group is higher than anaerobic group, in soleus muscle (0,9303±0,0,0268 vs 0,7716±0,0250 µgr/ml), gastrocnemius muscle (1,0504±0,0531 vs 0,8760±0,0147µgr/ml) and significant (p?0,05) in cardiac muscle (0,7249±0,0600 vs 0,6143±0,0277µgr/ml). Also the RT-PCR showed that mRNA myoglobin of soleus,gastrocnemius and cardiac muscle was stronger in aerobic than anaerobic exercise, In conclusion myoglobin gene expression in soleus,gastrocnemius and cardiac muscles was higher and stronger gene expression after aerobic than anaerobic exercise as an indicator of tissue hypoxia.

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