Profile Of Muscle Strength, Endurance, Explosive Power And Flexibility Of Bandung City Rhytmic Gymnastics Athlete According To Koni (National Sport Comitte Of Indonesia) Standard
Reni Farenia, Dwi Putri Larasati
flexibility, muscle endurance, muscle strength, physical fitness, power, rythmic gymnastic
Physical fitness is the ability of an athlete to fulfill the physical activities that is needed for the sport without becoming weary. This is a very important thing that determines athlete’s performance. The predominant component of physical fitness for rhythmic gymnastic are muscular endurance, muscle strength, power and flexibility.
The study aimed to gather information regarding the physical fitness profile of Bandung City rythmic gymnastic athlete before competing in Pekan Olah Raga Daerah Jawa Barat (PORDA Jabar) XI event in 2010.
The descriptive study was conducted using survey method. Subjects consist of 9 female Bandung City rythmic gymnastic athletes. Muscle endurance, muscle strength, power, and flexibility were measured using appropiate tests and tools, and then grouped according to Standard KONI Pusat.
The results of this study showed that most of the rythmic gymnastic athletes were in this categories: perfect for arms and shoulders muscle endurance, average for stomach muscle endurance, below standard for muscle strength of the hands, average for muscle strength of arms and shoulders, good and very good for muscle strength of the back, average for muscle strength of the legs, below average and average for arms and shoulders power, very good for legs power, and perfect for flexibility.
As conclusion, the performance of Bandung City rythmic gymnastic athlete can be improved by increasing the training that are spesific for each of the physical fitness component.