Detection Of Antifungal Activity In Biokefir For Yeast Spoilage Protection
Roostita L. Balia, Ellin Harlia, Dadan S.K
Antifungal, Biokefir, yeast
The existence of yeast in biokefir is as a contaminant because the starter system which is used in the making of biokefir is not contains yeast as in the starter system for making kefir. This research is aimed to detect the activity of antifungal in biokefir toward yeast which cause the damage of biokefir. The first parameter of this research is the straight number of grow total yeast and the data of straight number of grow total yeast will be converse descriptively. The second parameter is a diameter of blocked zone to detect antifungal activity toward isolate yeast as a result of isolation from biokefir, which is an experimental research which use the program of Complete Random and continued by the Tukey test. The result of research shows that antifungal can repress the growth of yeast in biokefir. The 15 ppm of antifungal concentration can shape the blocked zone 18,67 mm toward yeast A and also can shape the blocked zone 23,33 mm toward yeast B.