Detecting The Presence Of Antibiotic Residue In Milk Snacks Sold To Elementary School
Ellin Harlia, Yuli Astuti, Eulis Tanti Marlina
antibiotic, milk, residue
The presence of harmful antibiotic residue in milk snacks sold to elementary school students in Tanjungsari Sumedang has obviously violated the food safety regulations, since harmful antibiotic residue can cause serious health and medical problems, such as resistency and allergic on individuals exposed to them. An investigation on “ Detecting The Presence of antibiotic residue in milk snacks sold to elementary school students. Qualitative test after milk was pasteurized using Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus as bacteria tester. Finally the result were descriptively analysed. The result of qualitative on milk snacks samples taken from 5 milk vendors shows that the presence of the antibiotic residue is positive. The quantitative test shows the average content of penicillin and tetracycline in the samples collected from vendor A, B, C, D, E and F is less than 0,05 ppm or below the requirements standard of Maximum Residue Limit SNI 2000, they are penicilline 0,1 ppm and tetracycline 0,05 ppm.