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Detection Of Antibiotic Residues And Concentrations In Cows Milk Taken From Local Dairy Farmers In Lembang Sub District

Detection Of Antibiotic Residues And Concentrations In Cows Milk Taken From Local Dairy Farmers In Lembang Sub District
Roostita L. B., Ellin H. , Vivi, V.
, ,

Antibiotics used on cattle medicine practices in local dairy farmers were unavoidable. These practices allow the antibiotic residues still left on milk. Even the concentrations were low, antibiotic residue consumed can cause health problems such as allergy, intoxication and antibioresistance. Besides that, milk with antibiotic residues cannot be treated with using microorganisms’ starter. Antibiotic residues-free milk would increase consumer safety and competitiveness on international trade.Eighteen local dairy farmers from three milk reception places that were members of South Bandung Dairy Farmers Cooperative were selected purposively. Milk samples were taken shortly after milking and qualitatively tested using Beta Star 25. When positives sample found, the test was continued for three days with Frontier Post Test (FPT), using Bacillus subtilis The results were analyzed descriptively and showed that 5 from 18 samples (27.78%) were antibiotic residue positives and Frontier Post Test result shown the decrease of antibiotic residue concentrations from day 1 until day 3. The average of antibiotic residue concentration from day 1 until day 3 on the pH of 6.0 was 19.60 4.62 mm; 9.80 5.22 mm and 7.00 5.20 mm, while on the pH of 8.0 was 10.40 4.34 mm; 9.00 3.81 mm and 1.40 0.55 mm.

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