Effect Of Family Management On The Development Of Household Rabbit Farming In Lembang Areas
Husmy Yurmiaty
developmen, family, Rabbit Farming, Random Sampling, reflection
Farmer as a human resource is needed in livestock development because it has important role in the growth and the development itself. And it is depend on productivity and work quality which will be a reflection of each farmer’s work ethos and also a reflection of way of life, including way of thinking, way of feeling and way of doing. The aim of this research is to know how the farmer’s family can do five efforts of breeding rabbit based on work culture and work ethos in developing rabbit livestock. From that reason, the writer did research about Effect Of Family Management On The Development Of Household Rabbit Farming In Lembang Areas. The writer wish result of this research will give information for rabbit livestock development and specially for policy in animal husbandry. This research has been done in Gudang Kahuripan village, Lembang sub district, Bandung regency. This research use survey method. Respondents are determined with Simple Random Sampling technique. With assumption the population is homogen. Total respondents is 30 rabbit farmers from 127 population of rabbit farmer in the village. The data consists primary and secondary data. The Primary is from the rabbit farmers and observation in the area with questionnaires. Secondary data is from Dinas Peternakan of Lembang sub district and office of Gudang Kahuripan village. To see how family management in rabbit livestock business, the writer observed to several variables : work culture, knowledge of 5 efforts animal husbandry, work ethos. Conclusion of the research is: 1) family, society and environment involvement in Gudang Kahuripan village support the development of raising rabbit, 2) knowledge development to rabbit farmer family is needed, especially about the 5 efforts animal husbandry and technology of rabbit product advantage.