Pemanfaatan Bio-sludge Feses Sapi Perah Dalam Ransum Kelinci Terhadap Kuantitas Pelt
Husmy Yurmiati, Kusmajadi Suradi, Wiradana
Bio-sludge, rabbit pelt quantity, ransom
Bio sludge is the solid remaining after the manufacture of bio gas which contained good nutrition organic, so that could be used as alternative raw material feed, economical source fiber and energy.
This research aims to know the benefit from biosludge ransom and seek the use of biosludge in rabbit ransom which give rabbit’s pelt skin (weight, width, and thick) quantity as good as pelt’s quantity without bio-sludge ransom. The used methode in this study is experimental in the laboratory with completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 5 times replication. The treatment used R0= ransom without bio-sludge, R1= ransom with 5% bio-sludge, R2= ransom with 10% bio-sludge, R3=ransom with 15% bio-sludge, R4= ransom with 20% bio-sludge. To know effect of the treatment, obtained data were analyzed by varriance and Dunnett test. Result showed that use of bio-sludge in rabbit ransom until 20% will produce quantity pelt with weight (167,60 – 170,94 g), width (820,20 – 839,45 cm2) and thick (0,71 – 0,78 mm) which relatively same with the quantity of rabbit skin with ransom without bio-sludge.