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Physical Characteristic Of Male Rex Rabbit At The Slaughtering Age

Physical Characteristic Of Male Rex Rabbit At The Slaughtering Age
Husmy Yurmiati
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Rex Rabbit is the best skin and smooth fur producer. It will give high sell price. To get that price, we need good physical characteristic of pelt. But the slaughtering age become an influential factor. To understand that, some research is done. It is “characteristic physical of male Rex Rabbit at the slaughtering age”. The purpose of this research is understanding and studying how influence the slaughtering age is and which age will give the best physical characteristic on pelt of Rex Rabbit. This research used experiment with completely randomized design, and the slaughtering age as a treatment (age P1= 90 days, age P2= 120 days, age P3= 159 days). Each treatment is repeated 6 times. To know the influence between treatments, continue it by Duncan test. The measureable variable are tear resistance (kg/cm2), stretch (%), elasticity (kg/cm2) and tensile strength (kg/cm2). The result is the influence of slaughtering age increase physical characteristic of pelt of rabbit Rex (tear resistance 83,20 -111,71 kg/cm2 ; stretch 37 – 42 % ; elasticity 25,61 – 28,64 kg/cm2), but reduce tearing strength (185,85 – 155,79 kg/cm2). And slaughtering age at 150 days will give the best physical characteristic of pelt of Rex Rabbit.

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