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Analysis Of Correlation Between Participation Dairy Farmer Cooperative Members Rate With Their Empowerment

Analysis Of Correlation Between Participation Dairy Farmer Cooperative Members Rate With Their Empowerment
Lilis Nurlina , Mochamad Ali Mauludin
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The condition of dairy farmer’s business are still stagnan especially if it seen from business’s scale that no efficient. Beside that, they have less empowered to prepare input production. It made they must increase their participation (as an owner and as a user of their cooperatives). This research was conducted in Bandung Regency West Java Province. The method of research was survey. The sampling cooperatives was taken by multistage random sampling. The sample size for cooperatives were 4 and for respondent were amount 140 person of dairy farmer and 15 person key informan. Data was analyzed by using rank Spearman correlation. Result of the research showed that the member of Single Purpose Cooperative (SPC) and Multy Purpose Cooperative (MPC) Dairy Farmer almost have optimum’s role as a user of cooperative (buying input production and selling milk to their cooperative) so it include to high category (90.0 %), but not yet optimum in role as an owner of cooperative (74.0 %) (they follow in contribution cooperative’s capital but less in controlling cooperative). Dairy farmer’s empowerment not yet optimal (only reach 67.4 %), especially in inovative’s attitude (low category). The correlation between participation of dairy farmer cooperative member rate with their empowerment, have score rs = 0.489 and significant at ? = 0.01, that include medium correlation if interpreted by Guilford’ rules . One of the constrain it was ratio of milk price (in dairy farmer) with concentrate’s price not yet equal, besides that they less in dairy cattle ownership scale.

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