Partisipasi Anggota Dan Dinamika Perkembangan (Konflik) Koperasi Sapi Perah Di Ksu Tandang Sari Kecamatan Tanjung Sari Kabupaten Sumedang
Partisipasi Anggota Dan Dinamika Perkembangan (Konflik) Koperasi Sapi Perah Di Ksu Tandang Sari Kecamatan Tanjung Sari Kabupaten Sumedang
M. Ali Mauludin, Lilis Nurlina, Syahirul Alim
cooperative institution, dynamical development, member's participation
M. Ali Mauludin, Lilis Nurlina, Syahirul Alim
cooperative institution, dynamical development, member's participation
The research was conducted at Tandangsari cooperative (KSU), subdistrict Tanjungsari, Sumedang district. The objective of research was to know the member’s partisipation, the development of cooperative institution and the problem faced by cooperative and it’s members. The research method was case study. Data was analyzed by analytical descriptive approach and vestehen. Puposive sampling used to choose the respondent. The result showed that the member’s participation at KSU Tandangsari was so high and dynamic. The dynamical development (conflict) always can be solved through musyawarah and the cooperative institution and member’s welathy are getting better.
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