Phytochemical Study Of Ketapang Bark (Terminali_ Catappa L.)
Ade Zuhrotun, Asep Gana Suganda, As'ari Nawawi
Unpad, ITB
Unpad, ITB
Ketapang, phytochemical study, steroids, Terminalia catappa L.
Terminalia catappa L. is a tree which is known in Indonesia as ketapang or in other countries like England as tropical/indian almond. All part of ketapang used as traditional medicine and its pharmacological activity had been reported by many researchers. In this present work, the phytochemical study was covered material preparation, extraction, fractionation, characteristic determination of crude drug and extract, separation, purification and identification of isolated compound. The bark was extracted by reflux with 95% ethanol. An amount of extract was dissolved in hot water, then fractionated by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) using n-hexane, chloroform, and ethyl acetate respectively. The extract and fractions analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and showed that n-hexane fraction had an interested compound. Further separation and purification of n-hexane fraction by combination of classical column chromatography and preparative TLC, have got isolated compound BK. Characterization of BK by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry, infrared spectrophotometry, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/ESI), and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H, 13C, HMQC and HMBC) identified that BK was steroidal compound with 390,20 (m/z) of molecular weight and C27H34O2 of molecular formula, and predicted have aromatic ring in A and B position and acetoxy group in C-3 position.