Pengaruh Kinerja Bukti Jasa Dan Pemasaran Interaktif Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Citra Institusi (Suatu Survei Terhadap Konsumen Agen Properti Di Kota Bandung)
Tata Nugraha
citra institusi, customer satisfaction, image of the institution, interactive marketing performance, kepuasan konsumen, kinerja bukti jasa, kinerja pemasaran interaktif, properti, the evidence of service performance, the property.
Bisnis di bidang properti banyak menjanjikan keuntungan bagi pihak pihak yang memang terjun pada bisnis tersebut. Perkembangan bisnis properti tidak terlepas dari peran perusahaan-perusahaan agen properti yang semakin tumbuh subur di Indonesia, terutama perusahaan agen properti asing yang bergerak di Indonesia melalui sistem franchise. Dalam proses interaksi antara penyedia jasa (perusahaan broker property) dengan konsumennya, marketing associates memainkan peranan sebagai salah satu dari komponen bukti dari jasa. Proses pelayanan antara agen properti dengan konsumennya secara langsung akan menimbulkan proses pemasaran interaktif. Proses pemasaran interaktif yang baik akan meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen dengan sendirinya. Kepuasan konsumen selanjutnya terakumulasi dalam pikiran masyarakat tentang perusahaan yang terwujud dalam citra atas institusi tersebut.
Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah menganalisis pengaruh kinerja bukti jasa dan kinerja pemasaran interaktif terhadap kepuasan konsumen serta dampaknya terhadap citra institusi agen properti di Kota Bandung. Penelitian dilakukan secara survei melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 240 konsumen yang menjalin kerjasama dengan agen properti franchise sebagai pembeli/penjual properti di Kota Bandung. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja bukti jasa berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen dan citra institusi. Bukti fisik atau physical evidence merupakan indikator yang dominan dibandingkan dengan people atau process. Kinerja pemasaran interaktif memberikan pengaruh secara langsung terhadap kepuasan konsumen, tetapi tidak secara langsung berpengaruh terhadap citra institusi. Pelaksanaan dimensi-dimensi kinerja bukti jasa dan kinerja pemasaran interaktif yang dilakukan dengan baik akan meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen dan memberikan citra institusi yang dinilai baik oleh konsumen.
Business in the property are many promising benefits for those who do invest in the business. The development of the property business is inseparable from the role of companies growing property agents in Indonesia, particularly the company of foreign property agents operating in Indonesia through a franchise system. In the process of interaction between the service provider (property brokerage firm) by its consumers, In the process of interaction between the service provider (property brokerage firm) by its consumers, marketing associates have a role as one of the components of evidence of service. Process between agents property services to its customers directly will cause the process of interactive marketing. A good interactive marketing processes will improve customer satisfaction by itself. Consumer satisfaction then accumulate in the public mind about a company that embodied in the image of the institution.
Research objectives to be achieved is to analyze the effect of the evidence of service and interactive marketing to customer satisfaction and its impact on the institution image of property agents company in the city of Bandung. Research conducted through survey by distributing questionnaires to 240 customers who formed a partnership with property agents franchise either as property buyer or seller in the city of Bandung. Statistical analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling.
The results of research showed evidence of service performance affects customer satisfaction and image of the institution. Physical evidence is an indicator of the dominant compared with people or process. Interactive marketing
performance directly influence on consumer satisfaction, but does not directly affect the image of the institution. Implementation of the evidence of service performance dimensions and interactive marketing performance dimensions that do well will to increase customer satisfaction and give the image of institutions that are considered good by consumers.
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