Pemurnian Dan Karakterisasi Kitin
Andina Rizki Yanti, Emma Rochima
FPIK Unpad
Bacillus papandayan, characterization, chitin deacetylase, Karakterisasi, kitin deasetilase, pemurnian, purification
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memurnikan dan mengkarakterisasi kitin deasetilase termostabil yang diproduksi oleh Bacillus papandayan asal Kawah Kamojang Jawa Barat. Tahap awal penelitian meliputi produksi dan pemurnian kitin deasetilase meliputi pengendapan amonium sulfat, dialisis, dan kromatografi pertukaran anion. Tahap berikutnya, karakterisasi kitin deasetilase hasil pemurnian terdiri dari optimasi suhu dan pH, termostabilitas, pengaruh ion logam, EDTA dan Na-asetat, serta penentuan berat molekulnya dengan metode SDS-PAGE. Hasil pemurnian dengan kromatografi pertukaran anion menunjukkan bahwa kitin deasetilase memiliki 3 (tiga) buah fraksi aktif dengan aktivitas tertinggi pada fraksi ke-76. Penentuan kondisi optimum menunjukkan bahwa kitin deasetilase mempunyai pH dan suhu optimum masing-masing 8 dan 55oC, stabil terhadap panas selama 5 jam. Aktivitas enzim dihambat oleh ion logam Mn, Ni dan Ca (1 mM), namun tidak dipengaruhi oleh EDTA. Ion Mg dan Na-asetat dapat meningkatkan aktivitasnya. Hasil analisis SDS-PAGE menunjukkan berat molekul kitin deaseti1ase antara 15-67 kDa.
The objectives of the research were to purify and characterize thermostable chitin deacetylase produced by Bacillus papandayan isolated from Kamojang Creater, West Java. The preliminary research covered production and purification chitin deacetylase through ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis, and anion exchanger chromatography. The next step was to find out biochemical characteristics included the effect of temperature, pH, thermostability, metal ion, EDTA, Na-asetat and molecular weight analysis by SDS PAGE. The result showed that the anion exchanger chromatography purification resulted three majors active fraction. The highest activity reached by fraction no. 76. Results of optimum condition analysis showed that the pH and temperature optimum of the enzyme were 8 and 55oC, respectively, and has a stability at high temperature for 5 hours. The enzyme’s activity was decreased by the presence of Mn, Ni, and Ca (1 mM), but unaffected by the presence of EDTA. It also found that the enzyme’s activity was increased by addition of 1 mM Mg2+ and Na-asetat. The SDS PAGE analysis showed that the molecular weight of chitin deacetylase was 15-67 kDa.
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