Kecenderungan Hidrometeorologi
Ruminta, Bayong Tjasyono, The Houw Liong, dan Indratmo Soekarno
Unpad, ITB
curah hujan, evapotranspirasi, evapotranspirastion, humidity, kelembaban, limpasan, odds ratio, rainfall, rasio odd, runoff, variabilitas, variability
Penelitian terhadap kecenderungan hidrometeorologi telah dilakukan di daerah aliran sungai Citarum bagian hulu, Jawa Barat. Penelitian tersebut menggunakan data bulanan hasil observasi curah hujan, evapotranspirasi, kelembaban, dan limpasan dari Januari 1968 hingga Desember 2000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kecenderungan (rasio odd) curah hujan, evapotranspirasi, kelembaban, dan limpasan masing-masing adalah -3.64, 3.88, 4.21, dan -1.11. Curah hujan dan limpasan cenderung menurun masing-masing sebesar -3.64% dan -1.11%. Penurunan curah hujan dan limpasan terutama disebabkan oleh adanya penurunan pembentukan awan dan hujan sebagai akibat dari perubahan iklim global. Evapotranspirasi dan kelembaban udara cenderung meningkat masing-masing sebesar 3.88% dan 4.21%. Peningkatan evapotranspirasi dan kelembaban udara tersebut di sebabkan oleh tingginya pemindahan uap air dari permukaan ke atmosfer melalui baik evaporasi maupun transpirasi.
A study on trends of the hydrometeorology had been carried out in the Upper Citarum River Basin, West Java. The investigations based on monthly observations data of the rainfall, evapotranspiration, humidity, and runoff from January 1968 to December 2000. The results indicated that odds ratio of the rainfall, evapotranspiration, humidity, and runoff are -3.64, 3.88, 4.21, and -1.11 respectively. The rainfall and runoff had been decreased by about -3.64% and -1.11% respectively. The decreasing trend in the rainfall and runoff had controlled mainly by the decreasing of the clouds and rains formation as a consequence of the global climate change. On the other hand, the evapotranspiration and air humidity had been increased by about 3.88% and 4.21% respectively. The increasing trend in the evapotranspiration and air humidity had influenced by the increasing of the water vapour removal from vegetation lands surface to the atmosphere by both evaporation and transpiration.
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