Efek Dosis dan Lama Biokonversi Ampas Tebu sebagai Pakan oleh Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) terhadap Kadar Protein dan Komponen Serat
H. Anna Rochana Tarmidi
Bio Converted, Crude Protein Content, Fiber Components., Sugar Cane “Bagasse”, White Root Fungi
This cxpcrimcnt was done in Bioscience Laboratory of Mycology PPAU biological science ITB Bandung from June to August. The aim of this expcriment was to investigated the effect of inoculums dosage and lcngth of bio converted by Pleurotus ostreatus to change crude protein content and, fiber components change, protein bioconversion efficiency, and digestible energy of sugar cane “bagasse” bioconversion (ATB). The trial was done based on Randomized Completely Design (RCD) which be arranged by factorial 4×4 and three times replications. The first factor was inoculums dosage (D), consisted of= 10, 25, 40, and 55 g kg-1. The ^second factor was length of bioconversion (w), consisted of 20, 30, 40 and 50 days. Data were obtained analysis by analysis of variance (ANOVA), and for to know the differentiation among treatments was used Duncan Multiple Rangc Test (DMRT). Variables which be measured were crude protein content and fiber component NDF and ADF change. The results of these experiments there was no interaction between the inoculums dosage and the length of bioconversion to crudes protein gain, fiber component ioss decreasing the fiber. The length of bioconversion give highly significant effect (P<0,01) to crude protein gain and fibcr component loss. The inoculums dosage of 25 g kg-1 substratc and length bioconversion of 40 days were the best treatment to gain crude protein content and efficiency protein bioconversion, and to loss the fiber component of' “bagasse”.