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Rotator Cuff Disease: Implication for Healing

Rotator Cuff Disease: Implication for Healing
Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, M.D

The rotator cuff functions as a depressor of the humeral head to counteract the longitudinal pull of the deltoid, triceps, pectoralis minor and coracobrachialis. It plays its biggest role as a stabilizer between 30 and 75 degrees of humeral elevation, and by 120 degrees of elevation it is no longer a stabilizer. Contraction of the rotator cuff compresses the humeral head in the glenoid, improving stability. Both the anterior and posterior cuffs must work to maintain stability; if one is dysfunctional increased translation ensues and compression is lost. The supraspinatus is particularly important in compressing the humeral head into the glenoid. Note that it has been shown that abduction through a full range can occur after a suprascapular nerve block (Van Linge 1963). The long head of biceps functions as a humeral head depressor.

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