Efek Asam Metoksiasetat
Agus Haryono, Tien Wiati Surjono, Lien Alina Sutasurya, Sri Sudarwati
FKIP Palangkaraya, Unpar Palangkaraya, ITB
anggota tubuh mencit SW, Asam metoksiasetat, chondrogenesis, extacelullar matrix, kondrogenesis, matriks ektraseluler, Methoxyacetic acid, Swiss Webster forelimb
Asam metoksiasetat (MAA) dapat mengakibatkan kelainan digit anggota tubuh depan mencit Swiss Webster (SW). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gangguan kondrogenesis jari anggota tubuh depan akibat perlakuan dengan MAA. MAA diberikan secara gavage pada mencit SW umur kebuntingan 11 hari. Penentuan kondrogenesis dilakukan pada rigi jari III dan IV dengan mengamati sayatan plantar tunas anggota tubuh yang diwarnai Hematoksilin-Eosin. Komponen matriks ekstraseluler; asam hialuronat (AH) dan kondroitin sulfat (KS) diwarnai dengan Alcian blue 1%, sedangkan kolagen (KOL) ditentukan dari hasil pewarnaan Azan Heidenhain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa sel mesenkim di wilayah bakal rigi jari IV dan sekitarnya mengalami apoptosis. Sel mesenkim yang bermigrasi ke tempat kondensasi rigi jari IV jumlahnya menurun, sehingga diferensiasi sel mesenkim menjadi kondroblas terganggu, sintesis asam hialuronat AH sedikit, dan hanya meningkat ketika sel mesenkim terkondensasi. Demikan juga kehadiran KS terlambat dan kandungannya rendah, bahkan kolagen tidak ditemukan karena komponen sel yang menyusun rigi jari IV masih berupa kondroblas. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan, bahwa MAA mengganggu kondensasi mesenkim pada pembentukan rigi jari akibat jumlah sel yang berkurang, sehingga menghambat diferensiasi sel maupun sintesis komponen matriks ekstrasel rigi jari.
Methoxyacetic acid (MAA) causes digit malformation of Swiss Webster forelimb if given orally on gestation day 11. The aim of this research is to find out the effect of MAA on digit forelimb chondrogenesis by cellular and extracellular matrix components observation. MAA was administered by gavage at 11 gestation day of Swiss Webster mice. Observation on the chondrogenesis were done on digit III and IV from plantar sections of limb buds which were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin. Extracellular matrix components; hyaluronic acid (AH) and chondroitin sulfate (KS) were determined using Alcian blue 1%, whereas collagen (KOL) was determined using Azan Heidenhain stain. The results showed that the number of mesenchymal cells, originated from the surrounding digital ray areas, which have to migrate to the digital ray IV and the mesenchymal cells at the site for digital ray IV were reduced by apoptosis. Consequently the formation of digital ray IV was delayed and further disturbed the mesenchymal cells to differentiate into chondroblasts, AH synthesis was decreased, but then increased at the mesenchymal cells condensation stage and afterwards decreased. The synthesis of KS was also delayed and reduced, KOL was not detected since the digital ray IV was still composed of chondroblasts. In summary, MAA disturbance of mesenchymal cells condensation at the beginning of digital ray formation. Furthermore, the reduction of cell number interferes the cell differentiation and also the synthesis of the extracellular matrix components of the digit.
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