Studi Keanekaan Jenis Burung Dan Habitatnya
bird species, gunung Slamet, habitat, hutan pegunungan, jenis burung, mountain forest, Mt. Slamet
Studi tentang jenis burung dan habitatnya telah dilakukan di lereng timur Gunung Slamet, Kabupaten. Purbalingga, Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji keanekaan jenis, kekayaan jenis dan perataan jenis-jenis burung dan habitat burung pada hutan alam dan hutan produksi terbatas di daerah pegunungan. Studi dilakukan tanggal 2-11 Maret 2010, pada jalur pendakian “Pondok Walangan” (koordinat 070 13,608′ LS dan 1090 14,859′ BT), di ketinggian antara 1700-2200 m dari atas permukaan laut. Metode “Point Transect” digunakan untuk pencatatan jenis burung dan sistem kuadran digunakan untuk penelitian habitat burung. Hasil penelitian telah mencatat 45 jenis burung, 36 jenis di hutan alam dan 14 jenis di hutan produksi terbatas. Jenis burung yang paling dominan di habitat hutan alam adalah pleci gunung (Zosterops montanus) dengan nilai dominansi (Ab=22,72 %), sedang di hutan produksi terbatas adalah kutilang (Pycnonotus aurigaster) dengan nilai dominansi (Ab=22,88%). Di hutan alam, indeks keanekaan jenis (H’=3,02), nilai indeks kekayaan jenis (R=6,19), dan indeks perataan jenis burung (E=0,84), lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan nilai H’, R dan E di habitat hutan produksi terbatas, yaitu masing-masing 2,09, 2,72 dan 0,79. Nilai indeks ketidaksamaan jenis-jenis burung pada habitat hutan alam dan hutan produksi terbatas cukup tinggi, yaitu 80%. Delapan jenis tumbuhan tercatat sebagai penyusun habitat burung di hutan alam dengan indeks nilai penting (INP) tertinggi ditempati oleh pohon walangan (Vernonia arborea) sebesar 135,29%. Sedangkan di hutan produksi terbatas terdapat 4 tanaman sebagai penyusun habitat burung dengan INP tertinggi adalah pohon pinus sebesar 165,50%.
A study on the species and habitat of birds has been carried out in the Eastern slope of Mt. Slamet forest at Purbalingga region, Centre Java Province. The aim was to investigate the species diversity, species richness and species evenness of birds and the habitats on nature forest and restricted product forest in the mountain areas. The study was done on March 2 to 11, 2010, at ascending route of “Pondok Walangan” (coordinate 070 13.608′ S; 1090 14.859′ E), with altitudinal about 1700-2200 m from above sea level. Point Transect and Quadrant method was used in this research for studying birds and their habitats. The results of study show that total of 45 species of birds were recorded. However, only 36 species found in the nature forest, and 14 species were found in the restricted product forest. The Mountain White-eye (Zosterops montanus) was a bird species found highest dominant in the nature forest which in score abundant value was 22.72%. In while, the Sooty-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus aurigaster) had score abundant value, i.e. 22.88% it’s found very dominant in the restricted product forest habitat. However, species diversity, richness and evenness indices value were higher also in the nature forest, with H’=3.02, R = 6.19, and E=0.84, than were compared in the restricted product forest with the value indices of H’, R, and E were 2.09, 2.72, and 0.79, respectively. The value of non-similarity index of bird species which found in the nature forest and the restricted product forest was high relatively, that was 80%. Eight species of plants were recorded as habitat of birds in the nature forest and one of the plants was “walangan” (Vernonia arborea) with the important value index was highest, i.e. 135.29%. In a while, the highest of important value index of plants was 165.50% of Pinus trees found in the restricted product forest.
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