Gambaran Kreativitas Siswa Sekolah Alam Bandung (SAB) pada Test For Creative Thinking Drawing Production (TCT-DP)
Fitri Ariyanti Abidin, Wilis Srisayekti, Yanti Rubiyanti
kreativitas, Sekolah Alam Bandung, Test for Creative Thinking - Drawing Production
Untuk melihat apakah kurikulum berdasarkan ‘kebebasan’ yang berlaku dapat memenuhi sasaran yang telah ditetapkan di Sekolah Alam Bandung (SAB), penelitian ini bermaksud memberikan gambaran tentang kreativitas siswa di sekolah tersebut pada Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production (TCT-DP). Subjek penelitian eksploratif ini adalah 83 siswa-siswi Sekolah Alam Bandung (SAB) dari TK B sampai dengan Kelas 5 SD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya aspek kreativitas yang memiliki nilai tinggi (Continuation dan Completion), nilai terendah (Unconventional symbolic-abstract-fictional, Unconventional non-stereotypical of given fragments/figures), nilai menengah (New Element). Di samping itu terdapat pula adanya kecenderungan penurunan nilai (Connections made with a line) dan peningkatan nilai (Continuation, Completion, Connection made that contribute to a theme, Perspective) seiring dengan peningkatan kelas, atau yang tidak memiliki pola jelas (New element); serta aspek yang memiliki nilai rendah (Boundary breaking that is fragment independent, Humour and affectivity, dan Unconventionality manipulation), nilai menonjol di kelas 5 SD (Boundary breaking that is fragment dependent), dan yang tidak muncul sama sekali (Unconventional symbol-figure-combination). Saran praktis ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa untuk berpikir berbeda (unconventional), untuk berani mengambil risiko, untuk meningkatkan libatan emosi dalam aktivitasnya, yang penting untuk berelasi dalam rangka bekerja sama dan memimpin orang lain.
This study was intended to describe the students’ creativity on Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production (TCT-DP). Subjects of this explorative study were 83 students of Sekolah Alam Bandung (SAB), Kindergarten – 5th grade of primary school. Results indicated that the highest scores were found on Continuation and Completion, the lowest scores were on Unconventional symbolic-abstract-fictional, Unconventional non-stereotypical of given fragments/figures, the middles scores were on New element. The increasing tendencies were on Continuation, Completion, Connection made that contribute to a theme, Perspective; decreasing tendencies were on Connections made with a line; New element had no clear tendency. Low scores were on Boundary breaking that is fragment independent, Humor and affectivity, and Unconventionality manipulation, especially high score on 5th grade Boundary breaking that is fragment dependent, zero score on Unconventional symbol-figure-combination. Recommendation should be aimed to increase the students’ ability to think unconventionally, to take risk, to get involved emotionally-affectively that played an important role in their social relationship particularly for team work and leadership.