Penataan Pameran Tetap Koleksi Geologi Di Museum Pemerintah Kabupaten Belitung
A n t o n
geological collection.Museum Pemerintah Kabupaten Belitung, koleksi geologi, pameran tetap, permanent exhibition, The Museum of Belitung Regency Government
Tin mining in Belitung has a long history with all its accompanying impact.This event, however, is not presented in the arrangement of geological collection in the Museum of Belitung Regency Government. The exhibition does not have a particular theme, so the arrangement does not show a particular plot as well. The collection is simply displayed in the exhibition hall without any effort to give interpretation. Furthermore, inadequate supporting facilities make the exhibition seem monotonous, less interesting and informative. The research uses qualitative method. The result of the research shows that the arrangement of the geological collection has not yet fully followed the general principles of arranging exhibition at museums in general. The solution proposed is to determine a specific exhibition theme, such as Tin Mining in Belitung. The arrangement of the collection should be done by following a certain kind of plot based on time order or chronologically, the technique of presenting collection should also provide an atmosphere of events at that time, and the supporting exhibition facilities (vitrin, panels, instrument collection, lighting, labeling, and layout) should be presented not only as a complement but also as a part of the museum collection. The arrangement of permanent exhibition of geological collection in the Museum of Belitung Regency Government which is interesting and informative is the concept offered in this research.
Penambangan timah di Belitung merupakan sejarah panjang dengan segala dampak yang menyertainya. Namun peristiwa tersebut tidak hadir dalam penataan koleksi geologi di Museum Pemerintah Kabupaten Belitung. Pameran tidak memiliki tema hingga penataan koleksi tidak memiliki alur cerita, koleksi sekedar ditempatkan dalam ruang pameran tanpa ada upaya memberi interpretasi, sarana pendukung pameran kurang memadai membuat pameran terkesan monoton serta kurang menarik dan informatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan penataan koleksi geologi belum sepenuhnya mengikuti prinsip prinsip umum tata pameran di museum pada umumnya. Solusi yang diusulkan dengan menentukan tema pameran Penambangan Timah Belitung. Penataan koleksi mengikuti alur cerita berdasarkan urutan waktu kejadian atau kronologis, teknik penyajian memperhatikan koleksi yang disajikan agar dapat memberi suasana peristiwa pada masa itu, dan sarana pendukung pameran (vitrin, panel, alas koleksi, pencahayaan, label, maupun tata letak) disajikan bukan sekedar pelengkap tapi menjadi bagian dari koleksi museum. Penataan pameran tetap koleksi geologi di Museum Pemerintah Kabupaten Belitung yang menarik dan informatif merupakan konsep yang ditawarkan dalam penelitian ini.
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