Pencarian Bakteri Tanah Penghasil Enzim Protease Dari Gunung Gede Cianjur
Irma Melyani Puspitasari, Rini Hendriani, Sri Agung Fitri Kusuma
Bakteri Tanah, Enzim Protease, il bacteria, protease enzyme
Telah dilakukan penapisan bakteri tanah penghasil enzim protease dari gunung Gede Kabupaten Cianjur. Pengujian aktivitas enzim protease ini dilakukan menggunakan metode difusi agar dengan induksi langsung. Dari tujuh isolat bakteri, ditemukan tiga isolat bakteri yang diketahui memiliki aktivitas enzim protease yaitu isolat bakteri nomor 2, 6 dan 7. Terdapat pengaruh konsentrasi produk ekstrasel bakteri tersebut terhadap zona bening yang terbentuk pada media uji. Semakin besar konsentrasi yang digunakan, maka semakin besar pula zona bening yang terbentuk. Aktivitas protease terbesar dihasilkan oleh isolat bakteri nomor 2. Identifikasi isolat bakteri tersebut dilakukan menggunakan pengamatan morfologi, pewarnaan Gram dan uji biokimia. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa genus isolat bakteri tersebut adalah Erwinia (Isolat bakteri nomor 2), Alkaligenes (Isolat bakteri nomor 6), dan Acinetobacter (Isolat bakteri nomor 7).
The screening of soil bacteria which produce protease enzyme from Mount of Gede at Cianjur regency had been done. The experiment of the activity of this protease enzyme was done by the direct induction of agar diffusion method. From the nine isolated bacteria, there were three isolated bacteria which were found have enzyme protease activity, there are isolated bacteria 2, isolated bacteria 6 and 7. There was influence from the concentration of this extracell bacteria’s product to the clear zone which was formed on the test media. The bigger the concentration was used, the bigger the clear zone formed too. The biggest activity of protease was produced by isolated bacteria 2. The identification of these isolated bacteria was done by morphologic observation, the staining of Gram, and biochemical test. The result of the identification showed that the genera of these isolated bacteria are Erwinia (isolated bacteria 2), Alcaligenes (isolated bacteria 6), and Acinetobacter (isolated bacteria 7).