Empowerment Models of Public Around Tourism Object Jatijajar Cave Pasir Luhur Kebumen Indonesia
Nuning Kurniasih, S.Sos., M.Hum.
Public Empowerment
The development of tourism jatijajar cave started from the finding of local resident to natural resources potency which accidentally found. In its development, the nature potency managed conventionally by local public. The management runs sufficiently long from generation to generation. With the limitation of the knowledge and management, Jatijajar Cave still be recognized by public around more over public outside town until foreign countries.
The natural beauty and fascination which owned by Jatijajar Cave, like stalagtit and stalagmite, seven wellsprings which there is in cave, relief and public legend is cavemark of Jatijajar. The potency encourage productive economics activity appearance around Jatijajar Cave. After independences of Indonesia and ends a period of political turbulence until year 1960s and admission at development decade, happened compromise in case of management of Jatijajar Cave between government and local public.
At 1975 yielded agreement to develop potency by restoring Jatijajar Cave becomes tourism Object Cave. Since then Jatijajar Cave had gaining strength fascination and invites increasing visitor day by day. That thing affects at increasingly public economics activity around Jatijajar Cave. This thing encourage researcher to do research and pours it into title : “Empowerment Model of Public Around Tourism Object Jatijajar Cave Pasir Luhur Kebumen Indonesia”.
The purpose of this research is: 1. To know the policy of local government to object development tourism Jatijajar Cave. 2. To know the local culture potency for the agenda of supporting development of effort for tourism Jatijajar Cave. 3. To know the potency and productive activity of public around tourism object Jatijajar Cave. 4. To know the empowerment model of public around Jatijajar Cave.
The result of this research indicates that: 1. The governmental policy to tourism object development of Jatijajar Cave is: (a) To Increases the quality of tourism object facilities and basic facilities. (b) To develops tourism being based on at earnings of public with still awake the personality and specification of the area. (c) Improvement of tourist growth rate through construction and development. (d) Improvement of promotion campaign of tourism actively. 2. Local culture potency owned as follows : (a) Belief system which correlating strength of Cave potency as ritual media. (b) traditional art. 3. A local public able to appreciate of skill in processing food, crafting and art. 4. Public take a part in tourism object development by trading, sells photograph service, becomes guide. 5. Found empowerment model of public bases on knowledge system, belief system and public economics.
Recommendation : 1. Improvement the role of local public in tourism object development. 2. Continual construction and training for public in the field of entrepreneurs, skill and crafting and foreign language for guide. 3. Improvement and involvement of mass media in promoting tourism object and for the agenda of extending network between government, investor and public.