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The Development Of Post-harvest Field Technology For Fresh Exportable Vegetables Produced In Indonesia

The Development Of Post-harvest Field Technology For Fresh Exportable Vegetables Produced In Indonesia
Nurpilihan Bafdal, Carmencita Cahyadi1, Sumanti Moody,Totok Pujianto, Seok-In-Hong, Dongman Kim
Unpad, Korean Food Research Institute, South Korea
Unpad, Korean Food Research Institute, South Korea
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In Indonesia fresh handling of vegetables is still carried out by traditional methods, without hardly any sorting or grading prior to marketing. Therefore, post-harvest loss reduction of vegetables, both quantity and quality loss must begin at the farm level. Although quality of fresh produce cannot be improved post-harvest handling, however it is necessary for extending shelf-life. The development of quantity and quality of production in order to obtain high added value, require the application of post-harvest technology. The objective of this research is to assess of appropriate post-harvest technology of broccoli and cabbage at farm level and to develop of quantity and quality of production in order to obtain high added value. The experiment was carried out at the Food Process Engineering and the Post-Harvest Technology Laboratories of the Faculty of Agriculture Industrial Technology of the Padjadjaran University at Jatinangor from December 2006 up to January 2007. A descriptive experiment method and regression analyses consisting of 2 variables (dependent and independent) were employed. Results show that: Broccoli: 1). Regression curve for treatment show that after 15 days storage the sensory score of the broccoli sample was still excellent. 2). The ambient temperature weight was highest in treatment without packaging. 3). The low temperature storage is more important in preserving color of curd than packaging; yellowing it self related to ethylene production by broccoli. Difference among packaging treatments were relatively small. Conclusion: 1. Low storage in broccoli is more important than type of packaging. 2). LPDE bag was best for cold storage of broccoli curds. 3). Low temperature storage gave not good for head surface color.

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