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Model Matematika Kurva Produksi Telur Ayam Broiler Breeder Parent Stock (The Mathematical Models For Egg Production Curve In Broiler Breeder Parent Stock)

Model Matematika Kurva Produksi Telur Ayam Broiler Breeder Parent Stock (The Mathematical Models For Egg Production Curve In Broiler Breeder Parent Stock)
A. Anang, H. Indrijani, TA. Sundara
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Produksi telur membentuk suatu kurva dengan model matematika tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model matematika terbaik untuk menggambarkan kurva produksi telur ayam broiler breeder parent stock Cobb 500 umur 24-45 minggu. Model matematika yang diuji dalam penelitian ini ada empat, yaitu model Mc Millan, model Yang, model Logistik, dan model Adams-Bell. Model Adams-Bell dengan rumus memiliki kecocokan yang paling baik dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) = 0,9998, koefisien korelasi (r) = 0,999, dan galat baku (SE) = 1,060. Dengan menggunakan model Adams-Bell ini, dapat dibuat suatu dugaan kurva produksi telur broiler breeder parent stock umur 24-45 minggu.

Egg production built a curve with a certain mathematical model. This research was held to find out the best mathematical model to describe egg production curve in broiler breeder parent stock Cobb 500 at the age of 24-45 weeks. The mathematical models evaluated in this research were Mc Millan model, Yang model, Logistic model, and Adams-Bell model. The Adams-Bell model with the formula of was the best model with coefficient of determination (R2) of 0,9998, coefficient of correlation (r) of 0,999, and standard error (SE) of 1,060. By using this model, the egg production curve from the age of 24-45 weeks is able to be estimated.

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