Prosesi Peralihan Kekuasaan
Reiza D. Dienaputra, Agusmanon Yuniadi, Dwi Agusta
Fak. Sastra Unpad
constitutional., democratic, demokratis, konstitusional, pemungutan suara, peralihan kekuasaan, power transfer, Procession, Prosesi, voting
Penelitian tentang Prosesi Peralihan Kekuasaan dari Habibie ke Abdurahman Wahid bermaksud mengungkap jalannya proses peralihan kekuasaan dari Habibie ke Abdurahman Wahid. Untuk memperoleh penjelasan genetis tentang jalannya proses peralihan kekuasaan tersebut, penelitian ono menggunakan metode sejarah. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan awal ini, proses peralihan kekuasaan dari Habibie ke Abdurahman Wahid berlangsung secara demokratis dan konstitusional. Setidaknya ada dua peristiwa penting yang menandai jalannyaproses peralihan kekuasaan. Pertama, pemilihan umum pada tanggal 7 Juni 1999. Kedua, proses pemungutan suara dalam pemilihan presiden pada tanggal 20 Oktober 1999. Kedua peristiwa penting dalam proses peralihan kekuasaan dari Habibie ke Abdurahman Wahid membuat peralihan kekuasaan dari Habibie ke Abdurahman Wahid menjadi peralihan kekuasaan pertama yang kesemua prosesnya berlangsung secara demokratis di dalam gedung MPR/DPR. Di sampling itu, peralihan kekuasaan ini membuat Abdurahman Wahid menjadi presiden pertama Republik Indonesia yang dipilih melalui proses pemungutan suara. Tegasnya, peralihan kekuasaan dari Habibie ke Abdurahman Wahid merupakan peralihan kekuasaan yang paling demokratis dan konstitusional di Indonesia sepanjang era kemerdekaan.
The study of transfer of power procession from Habibie to Abdurahman Wahid is aimed at revealing transfer of power prosccess from Habibie to Abdurahman Wahid. As the study was historical, the historical methods was used. The purpose of this is to get the genetic clarification. Based on this preliminary study, transfer of power process from Habibie to Abdurahman Wahid took place democratically and constitutionally. There were two important affairs which marked the process of transfer of power from Habibie to Abdurahman Wahid. Firstly, the general elections on 7 June 1999. Secondly, the voting process in president election on 20 October 1999. The two important affairs in the trnsfer of power from Habibie to Abdurahman Wahid made the transfer of power from Habibie to Abdurahman Wahid became the transfer of power which all of process took place in MPR/DPR building democratically. Besides that, Abdurahman Wahid became the first president of the Republic of Indonesia that was elected by voting process. Explicitly, the transfer of power from Habibie to Abdurahman Wahid was the most democratical and constitutional transfer in Indonesia during independence era.
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