Weblog Usage As Promotion Media For Tasikmalaya Handicraft
Nuning Kurniasih, S.Sos., M.Hum.
e-business, promotion, Tasikmalaya handicraft, weblog
Nuning Kurniasih. 2008. Weblog Usage as Promotion Media for Tasikmalaya Handicraft = Pemanfaatan Weblog sebagai Media Promosi Kerajianan Tasikmalaya. Bandung – Indonesia : University of Padjadjaran – Faculty of Communication Science.
Tasikmalaya recognized with various small and middle enterprises. For example, Rajapolah famous with matting craft, Kawalu famous with bordir, in countryside of Setiamulya, yielded bordir, kelom geulis, husk shoe, mebeuler, mendong craft and hat. Other handicraft which developed in Tasikmalaya is Payung Tasik (umbrella), and batik tulis. Weblog or blog is an alternative media in promoting an product, including handicraft product of Tasikmalaya which have been recognized in foreign countries. Blog usage as promotion media of Tasikmalaya handicraft according to Fichter can be formulated as follows : cheap expense, easy to utilized, compatible for everyone, “purpose of sense”, sharing of expression, build a community and new media.
By using internet especially blog as promotion media a product, its mean all marketer of Tasikmalaya Handicraft ready to implementation of e-business. Readiness of the e-business measured from e-business strategy and infrastructure able to give value to excellence of business entity of Tasikmalaya handicraft.