Pengaruh Tindak Bahasa Laki-Laki
Dian Indira, Thersiah L. Lubis, Dien Fakhri Iqbal, Dian Ekawati
Fak. Sastra, Fal. Psikologi Unpad
focus group discussion, gender, language behavior, tindak berbahasa
Tindak berbahasa individu mencerminkan status sosial maupun besar pengaruh individu tersebut dalam konteks interaksinya. Sebaliknya, konstelasi posisi gender dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat dapat juga dipahami melalui tindak bahasa gender, terutama dalam konteks interaksi pula. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang tindak bahasa laki-laki dan perempuan dalam suatu diskusi di mana kedua gender berpartisipasi. Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dan media interaksi berbentuk Focus Group Discussion, dilakukan pengamatan terhadap variabel penelitian pola komunikasi antargender. Dengan teknik purposisive sampling, diperoleh sampel penelitian mahasiswa/i Program Diploma III Fakultas Sastra Universitas Padjadjaran yang berasal dari Garut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat banyak kesamaan dalam tindak berbahasa pada laki-laki maupun perempuan selama diskusi berlangsung. Dengan demikian, stereotip tentang tindak berbahasa laki-laki dan perempuan yang sebelumnya telah ada, patut diragukan.
Individual language behavior reflects her/his social status and her/his influence on others in an interactional context. On the other hand, the constellation of gender positions in a community can also be understood through their language behavior, especially in an interactional context. The current research was aimed to obtain a picture of male and female language behavior in a discussion setting. Using the qualitative method, and a Focus Group Discussion as the media of interaction between respondents, the research attempted to observe the research variable which was the communication pattern among genders. The purposive sampling technique was used in establishing the research sample which involved students from D III Program, Faculty of Letters, University of Padjadjaran, who grew up in Garut. The result shows that there were quite many similarities between male and female language behavior during the discussion. The result, furthermore, leads the researcher to believe that the male and female language behavior stereotype should be substantially questioned.
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