The Pancasila Industrial Relations
Soeganda Priyatna
Fikom Unpad
industrial relations, introspection., pancasila, partnership, self recognition, trio duty
The Method of the Industrial Relations of every country is different, depending on the influence of the country’s principle and philosophy. Therefore, Indonesian Industrial Relations is the reflection of the Indonesian way of life, the Pancasila, means five principles, belief in god, humanity, nationalism, democracy and prosperity. The Pancasila Industrial Relation connects itself to the political system as well as to the national method of the Indonesian people and as a result the aims to be achieved will make similar to the nation’s great aim. Beside the five principles, the Pancasila Industrial Relations also contain the Trio Duty ( Tridharma ) which carries three elements that develop into a dynamic relation between an employer and a businessman. The Trio Duty consist of :
a. Rumongso handarbeni. The principle of partnership consists of two aspects; namely, partners in production and partners in profit.
b. Melu hangrungkebi, the principle of partnership in responsibility .
c. Mulat sariro hangrosowani, the principle of self-recognition and instropection.
The principles stated above can be achieved through a kind of accomodation within the three elements in the Industrial Relations, namely, the workers, businessmen and, the Government.
Metode Hubungan Industrial (The Industrial Relations) di setiap negara berbeda-beda, bergantung pada azas dan filsafat dasar negara itu. Oleh karena itu, Hubungan Industrial Indonesia merupakan pandangan hidup orang Indonesia, yaitu Pancasila yakni: Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa; Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab; nasionalisme demokrasi dan kesejahteraan rakyat, Hubungan Industrial Pancasila berkaitan dengan sistem politik dan tujuan nasional. Akibatnya, tujuan yang harus dicapai akan sama seperti tujuan nasional. Di samping kelima azas itu Hubungan Industri Pancasila juga berisi Tridharma yang mengandung tiga unsur yang mengembangkan hubungan dinamis antara karyawan dan pengusaha. Tridharma itu terdiri atas.
a. Rumongso handarbeni: asas kerekanan (partnership) yang terdiri atas dua aspek, yakni partner dalam produksi dan partner dalamkeuntungan.
b. Melu hangrungkebi asas kerekanan dalam bertanggung jawab.
c. Melu sariro hangrosowani azas mengenal diri dan instropeksi.
Asas – asas yang disebutkan di atas dapat dicapai melalui kerjasama ketiga unsur dalam hubungan Industrial, yakni : pekerja, pengusaha dan pemerintah.
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