Kalimat Lesapan Subjek
Davidescu Cristiana
Fak. Sastra Unpad
actif construction, determinant, indefinite-personal sentence, kalimat lesapan subjek, konstruksi pasif, konstruksii aktif, non-restrictive element, pasif construction, unsur determinan, unsur peluas
Dalam bahasa Rusia kalimat lesapan subjek merupkan kalimat susun satu yang memiliki hanya satu unsur inti, yaitu verba persona ketiga jamak (V3Pl),sedangkan subjek tidak tampak secara formal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat klasifikasi yang lengkap kalimat lesapan subjek berdasarkan unsur yang dimilikinya, merumuskan pola kalimat untuk setiap jenis kalimat, dan mencari padanan yang paling tepat kalimat ini dalam bahasa Indonesia.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa kalimat lesapan subjek terbagii atas empat grup besar : (a) kalimat lesapan subjek dengan unsur determinan, (b) kalimat lesapan subjek dengan unsur peluas wajib, (3) kalimat lesapan subjek dengan unsur determinan dan unsur peluas wajib, dan (4) kalimat lesapan subjek, baik tanpa unsur determinan maupun tanpa unsur peluas. Padanan kalimat macam ini dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah kalimat konstruksi aktif, kalimat konstruksi aktif dan ungkapan ada+nomina deverbal (ND).
The in 2000-subject sentences are the sentences which do not have an explicit subject. The predicate of an indefinite – personal sentence is invariably either a verba in the 3rd person plural, present or future tense, or past tense verb in the plural. The action of the verb in a 2000-subject sentence generally involves an indefinite number of persons. However, in some instances, it may also involve one person, who is either unknown to the speaker or whom the speaker does not want to mention. The goal of this research is: (a) to make a complete classification of this type of sentences, (b) to formulate their pattern, and (c) to find their accurate equivalents in Indonesian. The descriptive-analitical method is used in this research. The result of the analysis indicates that there are four types of these sentences : (1) the in 2000-subject sentence with a determinant, (2) the in 2000-sentence sentence with non-restrictive element, (3) the 2000-subject sentence with a determinant and non-restictive element, and (4) the in 2000-subject sentences without neither determinant nor non-restrictive element. Their equivalents in Indonesian are the active and pasif constructions with a explicit subject (a pronoun or a noun) or the expression ada + deverbal noun.
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