Perbaikan Proses Pembelajaran
Mitri Irianti
FKIP Univ Riau Pekanbaru
Development, Learning process, Perbaikan, Proses pembelajaran
Dalam proses pembelajaran sering terjadi tidak tercapainya ketuntasan belajar. Ini disebabkan karena rencana pengajaran dalam proses belajar mengajar tidak jelas. Agar ketuntasan belajar dapat dicapai sesuai yang diharapkan, maka perlu dirancang rencana pembelajaran mata kuliah Fisika Dasar I. Di samping itu penyajian materi kuliah dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran dapat ditingkatkan melalui alat bantu berupa pemakaian media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketuntasan belajar tercapai pada setiap pokok bahasan, dan nilai akhir diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 80,45. Proses perbaikan pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan daya serap mahasiswa. Hal ini disebabkan oleh: 1) tersusunnya rencana pembelajaran selama satu semester; 2) adanya hand out untuk mahasiswa; 3) Kuis (evaluasi) yang dilakukan setiap selesai pemberian materi; 4) Teknik penilaian yang transparan; dan 5) sarana/media yang mendukung. Supaya mahasiswa terarah dalam proses pembelajaran, disarankan kepada setiap dosen yang memegang mata kuliah untuk mempersiapkan rencana pengajaran (RP) atau satuan acara perkuliahan (SAP).
In learning process, it often happens that a learning objective is not fully achieved. This is particularly caused by an unclear learning plan for a learning process. In order to achieve the learning objective of to be salisfied as planned, it is important to achieve the learning objective of a course, it is important to design a learning plan of, in this case, the course of the Introduction to Physics I. Moreover, the delivering of the course in a learning process should be developed by using supporting aids or applying a relevant media of learning. The research results show that the accomplishment of learning objective is achieved at a sub-topic level. The average final grade achieved is 80.45. It can be concluded that The improvement of learning process would increase students’ understanding if: 1) the instructor prepares the learning plan for the whole semester; 2) students are given hand-outs; 3) quiz or evaluation is provided soon after one topic is delivered, 4) the grading system is communicated transparently; and 5) sufficient supporting learning media is utilized. In order for students to be in the right direction in a learning process, it is very important for the instructor/faculty staff, who is responsible for a particular course to make a learning plan or a course syllabi.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi : http://www.lppm.unpad.ac.id