Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Perdesaaan
Almasdi Syahza
PPKPEM Universitas Riau
downstream industry, ekonomi perdesaan, Empowerment, industri hilir, Pemberdayaan, rural economic
Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas yang penting dan strategis di daerah Riau karena peranannya cukup besar dalam mendorong perekonomian rakyat, terutama bagi petani perkebunan. Sampai tahun 2002 luas areal perkebunan kelapa sawit telah mencapai 1.312.661 ha. Untuk masa akan datang luas areal kelapa sawit akan terus berkembang, karena tingginya minat masyarakat terhadap usahatani kelapa sawit. Ini terbukti semakin berkembangnya perkebunan kelapa sawit secara swadaya. Perkembangan luas areal perkebunan tersebut akan diikuti oleh produksi tandan buah segar (TBS). Masalah yang dihadapi oleh petani kelapa sawit adalah adanya distorsi harga TBS antara petani plasma dengan petani swadaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) multiplier effect yang diciptakan dari kegiatan perkebunan kelapa sawit dan dampaknya terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat perdesaan; 2) daya dukung wilayah terhadap pengembangan industri hilir kelapa sawit di daerah Riau. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa; 1) Kegiatan perkebunan kelapa sawit menciptakan multiplier effect sebesar 2,48 dan meningkatkan indek pertumbuhan kesejahteraan petani pada tahun 2003 sebesar 1,74 persen; 2) Daya dukung wilayah sangat mendukung pembangunan industri hilir kelapa sawit (PKS).
Oil palm is an important commodity in Riau due to its strategic position since it plays an important role to support the economy, especially for plantation farmers. The total area of oil palm estate on 2002 was 1,312,661 ha. In the next future the area of oil palm estate could be expanded due to a big interest of the people toward oil palm plantation business. It was proved by the self-enlargement of oil palm plantations. The development of oil palm plantation area will certainly be followed by the production of its fresh fruit bunches. The problem faced by oil palm farmers is price distortion of fresh fruit bunch between the plasm and non plasm smallholder farmers’ owners. The purpose of this study is to reveal: 1) The multiplier effect created by the oil palm plantation development and its impact on the prosperity of rural community. 2) Regional carrying capacity toward the development of oil palm-downstream industry in the province of Riau. This study concludes that: 1) Multiplier effect provided by oil palm plantation was 2.48 and the farmers’ prosperity growth index of 1.74 percent in 2003. 2) Carrying capacity of the area was significantly affected the development of downstream oil palm industries.
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