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The Influence Of English Borrowings In The Bahasa Indonesia In Mobile Phone Advertisements

The Influence Of English Borrowings In The Bahasa Indonesia In Mobile Phone Advertisements
Rohana Hajeeyusoh
, , , , , , ,

Penelitian ini berjudul ‘The Influence of English Borrowings in the Bahasa Indonesia in Mobile Phone Advertisements’ (Pengaruh kata-kata pinjaman dari bahasa Inggris oleh bahasa Indonesia pada iklan telepon seluler). Data diambil dari iklan telepon seluler (di papan iklan, brosur, majalah, koran, televisi dan radio) selama September 2009 – April 2010. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji jenis kata-kata pimjaman yang seringkali muncul dalam iklan telepon seluler, mencakup kejadian perubahan dalam segi semantik. Sasarannya adalah mengungkapkan penggunaan kata-kata pinjam dalam masyarakat secara umum. Penulis menggunakan teori-teori dari Haugen (1950) – teori klasik tentang pengaruh kata-kata pinjaman (the Classical Theoretical Works on Loan Influence), dan O’Grady (1993), Fromkin et al. (2003), Crystal (1997) untuk analisa perubahan dalam segi semantik. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil dengan kesimpulan bahwa jenis kata-kata pimjam yang seringkali muncul dalam iklan telepon seluler adalah pemakaian yang langsung digunakan (Importation Borrowings), dan juga ada perubahan dalam segi semantik. Katakata pinjaman lebih banyak mengikuti budaya barat yang modern khususnya dalam bidang teknologi dan komunikasi.

The thesis is entitled ‘The Influence of English Borrowings in the Bahasa Indonesia in Mobile Phone Advertisements’. The data were collected from the all kinds of the mobile phone advertisements (the printed advertising, also the television and radio commercials) during September 2009 to April 2010. This paper was conducted in the descriptive method. The purposes of this research were to find out the predominant types of the borrowings and the occurrences of semantic change that appear in the language of advertising in the area of mobile phone. The goal is to highlight a specific situation, the borrowing words in the advertisement of mobile phone, as a revealing perspective of the borrowing phenomenon in general. The main theory used was the Classical Theoretical Works on Loan Influence by Haugen (1950). The theories of O’Grady (1993), Fromkin et al. (2003), and Crystal (1997) were employed to analyse the semantic change. The results of this research were that the predominant type of the borrowing, which appears in the language of advertising in the mobile phone advertisements, is the importation borrowing, and there is an occurrence of semantic change in the borrowing. Most of the words are highly bound to modern Western culture- they fall into the technology and communication domain.

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