Sikap Terhadap Sains Dan Folklor Tradisional Dalam Novel-Novel Fiksi Sains Kontemporer Indonesia
Sandya Maulana
folklor, novel, sains kontemporer, Sikap
Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga novel fiksi sains kontemporer Indonesia, Lanang karya Yonathan Rahardjo (2008), ORB karya Galang Lufityanto (2008), dan Lesti, Nyatakah Dia? karya Soehario Padmodiwirio (2006), yang menunjukkan sikap tertentu terhadap hubungan antara sains dan folklor Jawa melalui penggambaran unsur-unsur sains spekulatif dan unsur-unsur folklor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripisikan hubungan antara sains dan folklor dalam ketiga novel tersebut dan juga mengidentifikasi sikap masing-masing novel terhadap sains dan folklor, yang dapat menunjukkan keberpihakan terhadap sains atau folklor atau menunjukkan upaya kompromi antara keduanya. Penelitian ini juga bermaksud mendeskripsikan hubungan antara sikap tersebut dengan konteks sosial dan budaya kontemporer di Indonesia, terutama yang berkenaan dengan posisi sains dan folklor dalam fiksi sains Indonesia kontemporer.
This study concerns three Indonesian contemporary science fiction novels, Lanang by Yonathan Rahardjo (2008), ORB by Galang Lufityanto (2008), and Lesti, Nyatakah Dia? by Soehario Padmodiwirio (2006), which, to a certain degree, demonstrate certain attitudes towards the relation between science and Javanese folklore, through their portrayals of both the speculative science elements and folklore elements. This study aims at describing the relation between science and folklore in the three novels as well as identifying the attitude of each novel towards science and folklor, whether it is on the side of science or folklore or compromising between the two. This study also seeks to describe the relation between the attitude and the contemporary socio-cultural contexts of Indonesia, particularly that concerning the position of science and folklore in the contemporary Indonesian science fiction.
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