Constructed Wetlands To Treat
Denny Kurniadie
Faperta Unpad
aliran subsurface, Constructed wetlands, conventional system, Instalasi pengolah limbah, pengolah limbah, sistim konvensional, subsurface flow, wastewater treatment
pilot project of one constructed subsurface flow wetlands to treat sewage from family Subandi house has been built in Bandung Indonesian in February 1999.The water samples from both influent and effluent (COD, BOD5, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, pH, and settleable solids, and O2) were taken twice a month and
analyzed. Fecal coliforms bacteria was determined by MPN method. The
objective of this study was to install one constructed subsurface flow wetlands with vertical flow to treat sewage from private house. The treatment efficiency of this constructed wetlands was already relatively high, although this constructed wetlands was just only eleven months in operation. The results were very promising and give a possibility of constructed wetlands to be installed and developed in tropical countries, especially in Indonesia, as a viable alternative to
conventional wastewater technology, because this system is and simple and cost effective.
Sebuah instalasi pengolah air limbah rumah tangga telah dibuat di rumah keluarga Subandi, Bandung, Indonesia pada bulan Pebruari 1999. Instalasi ini merupakan pilot projek. Sampel air baik dari aliran masuk (inlet) maupun aliran keluar (outlet) dianalisa dua kali sebulan sekali terutama untuk COD, BOD5, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, pH, settleable solids dan O2 . Penentuan bacteri fecal dilakukan dengan metoda MPN. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat suatu
pilot projek instalasi pengolah limbah tipe vertikal untuk mengolah air limbah rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi pembersih dari instalasi ini sudah relatif tinggi walaupun baru beroperasi selama 11 bulan. Instalasi pengolah limbah ini sangat menjanjikan dan cocok untuk dikembangkan di negara tropis terutama di Indonesia sebagai alternatif dari instalasi pengolah air limbah konvensional dikarenakan instalasi limbah ini murah dan mudah.
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