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Pengaruh Salinitas

Pengaruh Salinitas
Herman Hamdani, Sri Astuti
Faperta Unpad
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh salinitas media terhadap fekunditas dan laju petumbuhan intrinsik Artemia sp. dan dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Jurusan Perikanan Fakultas Pertanian Unpad. Nauplius artemia dipelihara dengan kepadatan 100 ekor per akuarium (3 Liter) pada salinitas yang berbeda (35ppt, 75 ppt dan 150 ppt). Hasil pengamatan kemudian ditabulasikan ke dalam tabel kehidupan dinamik kemudian dikalkulasikan laju pertumbuhan
intrinsic (r), laju reproduksi bersih (Ro) dan kontribusi naupilius pada tiap kelompok umur. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan laju pertumbuhan intrinsik sekitar 0,901 hingga 1,281 pada salinitas 150‰, dan –1,330 hingga –0,877 pada salinitas 35‰ dan 75‰; laju reproduksi bersih sekitar 11,345 hingga 35,50 dan kontribusi nauplius pada tiap kelompok umur sekitar 85,40% hingga 93,22% (dua minggu pertama individu dewasa) dan 0,003% hingga 0,024% (minggu terakhir individu dewasa).

The objective of the research was to study the effect of salinity on fecundity and intrinsic growth rate of Artemia sp. the research was conducted in the laboratorium of Fisheries Department, Faculty of Agriculture Unpad. The brine shrimps Artemia was cultivated in nine aquariums with densities of 100 nauplius per aquarium (3 Liter), at different salinities (35 ppt, 75 ppt and 150 ppt). Data of the observation were tabulated in the calculation of intrinsic rate of increase, net reproduction rate, contribution of nauplius of each age group. The results of the research showed that the intrinsic rates of increase ranged from 0.901 to 1.281 (150 ppt) and –1.330 to –0.877 (35 ppt and 75 ppt). The net reproduction rates ranged from 11.354 to 35.504. the contribution of nauplius on the first two weeks
was 85.40% to 93.22%, while the last week was 0.0035 to 0.024%.

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