Pengujian Kondisi Likuifikasi
Iman Permana Maksum, Yeni Wahyuni, Yanyan Mulyana
Mipa Unpad
enzim α-amilase, glucose syrup, Likuifikasi, Liquification, sirup glukosa, α-amilase enzyme
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pengaruh suhu, kecepatan pengadukan dan konsentrasi enzim α-amilase terhadap proses likuifikasi. Kadar gula pereduksi (mg/mL) yang dihasilkan ditentukan dengan spektrofotometri-Nelson Somogyi. Pengujian kondisi likuifikasi dilakukan pada pH 7,0, suhu 80 0C dan 90 0C, kecepatan pengadukan 100 rpm dan 180 rpm serta konsentrasi enzim sebesar 1,066U/mL, 1,599 U/mL dan 2,132 U/mL selama 2
jam. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kondisi likuifikasi optimum
diperoleh pada suhu 80 0C dan kecepatan pengaduan 180 rpm dengan kadar gula pereduksi sebesar 7,649 mg/mL. Konsentrasi enzim tertinggi yaitu sebesar 2,132 U/mL menghasilkan kadar gula pereduksi tertinggi sebesar 14,749 mg/mL.
The objective of this research was to study the effects of temperature, agitation rate and enzyme concentration on the process of liquification. The resulted reducing sugars concentration (mg/mL) were determined by spectrofotometry- Nelson Somogyi. The examinations of liquification conditions were done at pH 7.0, temperature of 80 0C and 90 0C, agitation rates of 100 rpm, 140 rpm and 180 rpm and α-amilase enzyme concentrations of 1.066 U/mL, 1.599 U/mL and 2.132/mL for 2 hours. The results showed that optimum of liquifications conditions were obtained at temperature of 800C and agitation rate of 180 rpm with the resulted reducing sugars concentration (7.649 mg/mL). The highest α-amilase enzyme concentration (2.132 U/mL) resulted the highest reducing sugars
concentration (14.749 mg/mL).
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