Optimization In Mediated
Rubianto Abd Lubis
FK Unpad
Cobalt sulfat, Cobalt Sulphate, Mediasi Elektrokimia Oksidasi (MEO), Mediated Electrochemical Oxidation (MEO), polarisasi, polarity, spektrometer X-ray., X-ray spectrometer
Mediated electrochemical oxidation (MEO) using CoSO4 as mediator and H2SO4- medium for a special treatment can be used for the prevention of metallic cobalt deposit at the cathode using exchange of polarity at certain of time by design was
studied at operational temperature (20 – 60oC). The electrolysis conditions were 6 V, DC 3A and two hours time. The blank solution investigate were showed, to color change the solution turn pink to dark blue. Co3+ is the key of intermediate in the oxidation processes. It was found that deposited of cobalt metallic occured on cathode after 10 minutes of electrolysis process. In addition, the simple method of exchange polarity can be used as an alternative and proven effectively for preventing cobalt metallic deposit
Mediasi Elektrokimia Oksidasi (MEO) menggunakan mediator CoSO4 dan media H2SO4- dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencegah terjadinya endapan logam cobalt pada katoda melalui pertukaran polarisasi selama waktu tertentu, dalam kasus ini reaktor dirancang pada suhu operasi (20 – 60oC). Proses elektrolisis berlangsung pada tegangan 6 Volt menggunakan arus DC 3 Ampere selama 2 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa larutan blanko berubah warna dari merah jambu menjadi biru tua. Endapan logam cobalt pada katoda terjadi setelah proses
elektrolisi berlangsung selama 10 menit. Selain itu, penggunaan metode sederhana berupa exchange polarity merupakan alternatif yang terbukti efektif dan dapat digunakan untuk mencegah terjadinya endapan logam cobalt pada katoda.
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