Motivasi Hedonic Shopping Dan Dampaknya Pada Impulse Buying Atas Terpaan Kinerja Promosi Penjualan Dan Atribut Hypermarket (Survai Konsumen Hypermarket Di Kota Bandung)
Ria Arifianti
atribut hypermarket, hedonic shopping motivation, hypermarket attribute, impulse buying, Kinerja Promosi penjualan, motivasi hedonic shopping, sales promotion performance
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan kajian tentang: persepsi konsumen tentang kinerja promosi penjualan, atribut hypermarket, motivasi hedonic shopping dan impulse buying pada Hypermarket Kota bandung. Hubungan kinerja promosi penjualan dengan atribut hypermarket pada Hypermarket Kota Bandung. Dampak terpaan kinerja promosi penjualan dan atribut hypermarket terhadap motivasi hedonic shopping pada Hypermarket Kota Bandung, Dampak terpaan kinerja promosi penjualan dan atribut hypermarket terhadap impulse buying pada Hypermarket Kota Bandung baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Dampak terpaan motivasi hedonic shopping terhadap impulse buying pada Hypermarket Kota Bandung. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah studi literature dan studi lapangan. Studi lapangan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner. Sampel diambil 210 konsumen Hypermarket di Kota Bandung. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan systematic random sampling. Model pengaruh dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan kinerja promosi penjualan dengan atribut hypermarket. Artinya, promosi penjualan ditunjang dengan atribut yang disajikan oleh hypermarket. Kinerja promosi penjualan dan atribut hypermarket menerpa motivasi hedonic shopping pada Hypermarket Kota Bandung, dimana kinerja promosi penjualan lebih dominan menerpa motivasi hedonic shopping. Unsur kinerja promosi yang dominan adalah pemberian kupon. Ini menandakan konsumen hypermarket di Kota Bandung menyukai kegiatan tersebut. Hasil selanjutnya kinerja promosi penjualan dan atribut hypermarket menerpa impulse buying. Hal ini terjadi karena Impulse buying lebih ditentukan oleh kinerja promosi penjualan. Motivasi hedonic shopping mempunyai terpaan terhadap impulse buying. Unsur yang dominan dari motivasi hedonic shopping adalah suasana hati.
The objectives of this research were to determine: The objectives of this research were to determine: The perception of consumer about sales promotion performance, hypermarket attribute, hedonic shopping motivation and impulse buying at Hypermarket Bandung. The relationship of sales promotion performance and hypermarket attribute at Hypermarket Bandung, exposure to the performance of sales promotion and Hypermarket attribute on hedonic shopping motivation at Hypermarket Bandung, exposure to the performance of sales promotion and Hypermarket attribute at Hypermarket Bandung on impulse buying exposured partially and simultaneously. Exposure to hedonic shopping motivation towards impulse buying at Hypermarket Bandung. This research type is descriptive-verificative. Data collection methods are literature and field studies. Field study covers observation, interview and structural questionnaires. The target population in this research were the consumer’s Hypermarket in Bandung city. A sample of 210 consumers Hypermarket at Bandung, was surveyed to the test model. The sampling technique is done by the systematic random sampling. Structural Equation Model was used to analyze data. The result was showed sales promotion performance, hypermarket attribute, hedonic shopping motivation and impulse buying is good. Further, it was found that The results showed that that sales promotion performance and hypermarket attribute have correlation. Sales promotion supported by the attributes presented by hypermarket. Sales promotion performance and hypermarket attribute expose hedonic shopping motivation at Hypermarket in Bandung, where sales promotion performance more dominant to expose hedonic shopping motivation. The dominant element of sales promotion performance is gifted vouchers. This indicated that hypermarket consumers in Bandung appreciate that activity. The next result are sale promotion performance and hypermarket attribute expose impulse buying. This happened because impulse buying is more determined by sales promotion performance. Hedonic shopping motivation impacts on impulse buying at Hypermarket Bandung. The dominant element from hedonic shopping motivation is grafitication shopping.
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