Aplikasi Manajemen Pengetahuan bagi Pembelajaran Organisasi
Rd. Funny Mustikasari Elita
nilai pengetahuan, pembelajaran organisasi, pengetahuan bagi informasi
An Organization should bring its vision and mission into action to a manage its knowledge effectively so it can compete with other organizations. On of the ways is by applying knowledge management. Knowledge management is an effort to manage knowledge in on organization. It is intent to enable the organization to be learning organization where in the end working and learning become the same in an organization.
Therefore, an organization need notonly a good database but knowledge base. Knowledge base can only be formed if the organization has known the resources it has and know which can be used and how to utilized them. Each organization conduct its knowledge management is different way. Each of them has knowledge assets and unique challenges in its own organization. It has its own process and can measure its success in different way.