Dampak Kelembagaan Bagi Hasil
Obed Haba Nono
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang – NTT
Bagi Hasil, Beef Cattle, fattening, participant farmers, penggaduh, penggemukan, sapi potong, sharing arrangements systems
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak keberadaan kelembagaan bagi hasil terhadap kinerja usaha penggemukan sapi potong. Penelitian survai dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Metode penentuan wilayah/responden yang digunakan multi stage cluster random sampling, diperoleh 2 kecamatan contoh dan 6 desa contoh, dan total responden sebanyak 107 orang, terdiri dari 72 peternak bagi hasil (penggaduh) dan 35 peternak mandiri. Untuk Pemodal dilakukan sensus sehingga diperoleh 23 pemodal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: kinerja usaha (penerimaan, pendapatan, keuntungan dan ROI) peternak mandiri lebih baik daripada kinerja usaha penggaduh. Kelembagaan bagi hasil belum meningkatkan produktivitas usaha. Nilai ROI sebesar 16,69 s/d 32,23 persen. Jadi, pemanfaatan aset usaha tani belum optimal. Efsiensi usaha R/C sebesar 1,97 (belum memperhitungkan biaya pakan dan tenaga kerja keluarga). Pertambahan bobot harian ternak penggemukan berkisar antara 378,41 s/d 410,88 gram. Kelembagaan bagi hasil belum meningkatkan produktiivtas usaha.
This research aims to know the impact of sharing arrangements system to the beefcattle fattening farm performance. The survey methods of research was conducted in Kupang District – East Nusa Tenggara Province. Sample area of the research sorted out through multi-stage cluster random sampling technique. Research consisted of 2 sub-district, and 6 villages. Total respondents were 107 farmers consisted of 72 farmers who were participant (FP) of Sharing Arrangements Institution (SAI) and 35 farmers who were non-participant (FnP). Meanwhile, investor amounted to 23 both individual and institutions sorted out through census technique. The result of the performance indicators of fattening farm such as revenue, net profit and return on investment can be explained that the performance of FnP was higher than FP. ROI were from 16.69 till 32.23 percent. Farm efficiency (R/C) = 1,97 (which is accounted by wages of family labour or feed cost not accounted yet). Average daily gain (ADG) were from 378,41 till 410,88 grams. The SAI not increase farm productivity yet.
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