Formulasi Sabun Mandi Cair Dengan Lendir Daun Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera Linn.)
Boesro Soebagio, Sriwidodo, Irni Anggraini
Aloe vera, Gel Aloe vera, Jel, Liqiud bath soap, Sabun mandi cair
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai formulasi sabun mandi cair dengan lendir daun lidah buaya (Aloe vera Linn.) berbagai konsentrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat formula sabun mandi cair dengan berbagai persentase lendir daun Aloe vera sehingga dapat berguna untuk melembabkan dan menghaluskan kulit yang kering. Pengujian kualitas sabun mandi cair yang telah dibuat disesuaikan dengan aturan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yang meliputi pengamatan organoleptik, kadar alkali bebas, kadar bahan aktif, angka lempeng total, dan pH selama waktu penyimpanan. Dari hasil penelitian kestabilan fisika,kimia, dan mikrobiologi diketahui bahwa lendir daun lidah buaya dan sabun mandi cair relatif stabil selama 56 hari waktu penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa sabun mandi cair dengan lendir daun lidah buaya dengan konsentrasi 3, 6, dan 9% aman untuk digunakan. Sabun mandi cair dengan lendir daun lidah buaya dengan konsentrasi 6% dan 9% mempunyai aktivitas untuk melembabkan dan menghaluskan kulit yang kering.
The formulation of liquid bath soap containing various concentration of Aloe vera gel had been carried out. The objective of this research was to formulate liquid bath soap containing various concentration of Aloe vera gel so that it could be used to make skin smooth and soft. The investigation of liquid bath soap quality was adjusted with Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)’s rule such as organoleptic, free alkali content, active ingredient content, total plaque value and pH at storage time. The stability of physical, chemical and microbiology test showed that liquid bath soap containing gel were stable for 56 storage days. The results showed that at 3.6 nad 9% concebtrations it also safe to be used. At 6 and 9% concentrations it also gave smoothing and sotfening activity.
The formulation of liquid bath soap containing various concentration of Aloe vera gel had been carried out. The objective of this research was to formulate liquid bath soap containing various concentration of Aloe vera gel so that it could be used to make skin smooth and soft. The investigation of liquid bath soap quality was adjusted with Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)’s rule such as organoleptic, free alkali content, active ingredient content, total plaque value and pH at storage time. The stability of physical, chemical and microbiology test showed that liquid bath soap containing gel were stable for 56 storage days. The results showed that at 3.6 nad 9% concebtrations it also safe to be used. At 6 and 9% concentrations it also gave smoothing and sotfening activity.