Study Of Piroxicam Gel Stability Using Hpmc And Acupec Hv-505 Bases
Anis Yohana Chaerunisaa, Boesro Soebagio, Marline Abdassah
Aqupec Hv-505, gel, HPMC, Piroxicam
An investigation on piroxicam gel formulation using HPMC base (1.5, 2.5 and 5%) and other formula using Aqupec HV-505 bases (0.5, 1 and 1.5%, respectively, had been carried out to find out the best formula. The stability testing was conducted on organoleptic, pH, viscosity and, consistency for 28 days of storage. The result showed that the formula with 1% Aqupec HV-505 bases (FC2) was the best one. Further investigation was conducted with variation of of Piroxicam concentrations to know it’s influence to gel stability. The additional investigation conducted to the best formula were microbiology, qualitative and quantitative stability testing using Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for 56 days of storage. The result showed that the best gel formula was that with 1% Aqupec HV-505 with 0,5% piroxicam (FC2.2)