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Pengalaman Pasien Sindrom Guillain-Barre(Sgb) Pada Saat Kondisi Kritis Di Ruang Intensive Care Unit (Icu) Rsup Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung
Wahyu Rima Agustin
Fisik, Kondisi Kritis, Pengalaman, Psikologis, Sindrom Guillain-Barre, Sosial, spiritual
Pengalaman Pasien Sindrom Guillain-Barre Pada Saat Kondisi Kritis dipersepsikan berbeda oleh setiap pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan secara mendalam pengalaman fisik, psikologis, spiritual dan sosial pasien Sindrom Guillain-Barre pada saat kondisi kritis di ruang Intensive Care Unit (ICU) RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Penelitian ini melibatkan 4 partisipan Sindrom Guillain-Barre. Pasien yang menjadi partisipan adalah yang teridentifikasi mempunyai pengalaman dirawat diruang intensif dan mampu menceritakan pengalamannya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tehnik wawancara mendalam. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisa data yaitu metode Colaizzi. Setelah data dianalisa, peneliti dapat mengidentifikasi pengalaman pasien Sindrom Guillain-Barre, pada saat kondisi kritis. Terdapat 5 tema pengalaman fisik: badan lemah, sesak nafas, rasa baal, nyeri tenggorokan dan batuk. Ada 3 tema pengalaman psikologis: tidak percaya, sedih dan takut. Terdapat 2 tema pengalaman spiritual: seperti diambang kematian dan pasrah. Terdapat 3 tema pengalaman sosial: dukungan keluarga yang positif, tidak bisa berbicara dan tidak bisa berinteraksi. Hasil penelitian bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan sikap caring perawat pada pasien saat kondisi kritis, pada kebutuhan fisik, psikologis, spiritual dan sosial. Perawat tidak hanya berfokus dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan fisik saja tetapi kebutuhan psikologis, spiritual dan sosial sangat dibutuhkan sebagai upaya memberikan motivasi untuk sembuh pada pasien Sindrom Guillain-Barre.
The experiences of patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome during a critical condition is perceived differently by different patients. This research used a qualitative research with a descriptive-phenomenological approach. The objective of this research was to deeply describe physical, psychological, spiritual, and social experiences of patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome during a critical condition at dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Public Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This research involved 4 participants of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Those patients who were selected as participants were identified as having an experience of being treated at an intensive room and capable of telling their experiences.Data collection was conducted by an in-dept interview technique. The method used for data analysis was Colaizzi method. After the data has been analyzed, the researcher could identify the experiences of patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome during a critical condition. There were 5 themes of physical experiences: malaise, short-winded, numb, throat pain, and cough. There were three themes of psychological experiences: unbelief, distressing, and fearful. There were two themes of spiritual experiences: like being at the edge of dying and sense of submission. There were three themes of social experiences: positive family support, unable to speak, and enable to interact.The findings of research were useful for enhancing the caring attitude of nurses to their patients during a critical condition and to physical, psychological, spiritual, and social needs. Nurses should focus not only on the fulfillment of physical needs but psychological, spiritual, and social needs are also strongly needed as an attempt to provide a motivation to recovery to patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
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