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Indonesian Culture Heritages In The 21st Century Social Capital And Future Strategies
H.M. Fadhil Nurdin, Ph.D, Tia Devianty, MPA
Universitas Padjadjaran, Paper on Asia Pacific Seminar, Bandung – Indonesia, April 2010
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Paper on Asia Pacific Seminar, Bandung – Indonesia, April 2010
21st Century, cultural heritage, Social Capital
Efforts to develop and maintenance Indonesian cultural heritages in the 21st century is hindered by the limitation in academic and implementation development, including the existence in the field. Therefore, it is needed to re-design and interpretate the cultural heritages required to develop new generation and nation buliding. Cultural heritages is an essential economic asset in facing the escalation of human development. Urgently, social capital started three principal points that should be noticed are philosophy, axiology and awareness. Philosophy includes the efforts to lay philosophies values, ideology, and history to strengthen the professionalism in maintenance cultural heritages. Axiology and awareness is directed to the attempts to determine the efficiency and benefit to improve the quality of human life and humanity which has a dignity in connection to maintain and develop cultural heritages.