Arsip Social Capital

Personal Knowledge Management 2.0 dan Hubungannya terhadap Innovation Capability dengan Social Capital sebagai Moderator

ABSTRAK Cimahi sebagai salah satu kota kreatif, telah mengembangkan Industri Film ...

Integrated Vulnerability Assessment: A Decision Tool for Water Scarcity in Small Islands

Water scarcity especially in the small islands in Indonesia had ...

Social Capital and Mental Health in Indonesia

Mental health is the integral part of overall health. Despite ...

Indonesian Culture Heritages In The 21st Century Social Capital And Future Strategies

Efforts to develop and maintenance Indonesian cultural heritages in the ...

Pengembangan (Modifikasi) Teori Modal Sosial Dan Aplikasinya Yang Berbasis Masyarakat Petani Peternak (Studi Kasus Pendekatan Sosiologis Pada Kelompok Dan Organisasi Usaha Tani Ternak Sapi Perah Di Kecamatan Pangalengan Kabupaten Bandung) Development (Modification) Theory Of Social Capital And Community-based Applications The Peasant Farmers (Sociological Approach Case Study On The Organization And Farm-dairy Cattle In The Pangalengan District Of Bandung Regency).

The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility ...

The Potency Of Social Capital And The Role Of Social Culture (Institutional Mechanism) In The Development Of Beef Farming

The aim of the research is to assess the potential ...

Permasalahan Usaha Sapi Potong Kaitannya Dengan Potensi Sumber Daya Lokal Modal Sosial Dan Posisi Tawar Peternak Dalam Perspektif Soiologis

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : permasalahan substantive peternak sapi ...

Pengaruh Kepribadian Produktif Dan Social Capital Terhadap Tingkah Laku Improvement (Studi Empiris Pada Survivor Gempa Bumi Di Bantul, Yogyakarta)

Tema besar penelitian ini adalah tingkah laku improvement pada survivor, ...

Social System Development in Anticipating Unpredictable Occurrence and Poverty Alleviation

In the early twenty one century, Indonesia has got so ...