Weather And Acute Rotavirus Diarrhea G1-Type, P8-Type Among Children Under Five Years Of Age (U5) Who Were Admitted At Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia
Y.S. Ermaya, D. Prasetyo, E.M. Sabaroedin, Y. Soenarto
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presentasi Poster Internasional International Congress of Pediatrics Weather And Acute Rotavirus Diarrhea G1-Type, P8-Type Among Children Under Five Years Of Age (U5) Who Were Admitted At Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia Melbourne, Australia 24 Agustus - 29 Agustus 2013
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presentasi Poster Internasional International Congress of Pediatrics Weather And Acute Rotavirus Diarrhea G1-Type, P8-Type Among Children Under Five Years Of Age (U5) Who Were Admitted At Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia Melbourne, Australia 24 Agustus - 29 Agustus 2013
P8-type, Rota virus, strain Gl-type, weather
Background and aims In children is the most frequent diarrhea caused by rotavirus 60%. In temperate climate countries, rotavirus infection occurs mostly at during the wintertime, whereas in tropical countries like Indonesia they occur throughout the year. Diarrhea has been made by relating its disease incidence to weather The Aim of this presentation is to present a strain found and a relationship between weather and prevalence of rotavirus diarrhea in a province hospital in Bandung, Indonesia. Methods The data is taken from a multi center hospital surveillance conducted in 6 provincial, teaching hospitals in Indonesia. This Study involved all children U5 inpatients and outpatients who presented with acute diarrhea at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, from January through December 2011, a fresh fecal specimen was obtained from enrolled children within 24 h after admission and was stored at 4°C-8°C before being tested at Laboratory of Microbiology, UGM, which was support by WHOSEARO Laboratory. The weather information was monthly obtained from a climatology meteorology and geophysics Bandung institution. Results From 212 children between 1-59 months aged obtained, there were 144(68%) boys and 68(32%) girls who were hospitalized for acute Non dysentery-form diarrhea at Hasan Sadikin Hospital. 212 subject with 99(47%) rotavirus positive. The strain from 44 subject 33(75%) GI -type and 32(73%) P8-type. Diarrhea occurred with its peak during the raining months of May and July, Its air pressure were ranged from 920.7-923.6 millibar with 76% relative humidity. Conclusions Weather such as rainy, air pressure, humidity influence the prevalence of diarrhea, with strainG1- type and P8-type the mostly found.