Pengaruh Bahan Perekat Dan Lama Penyimpan An Terhadap Sifat Fisik Ransum Bentuk Pellet (Effect Of Adhesive Subtances And Long Time Storage On Performance Pellets Feed Form)
Hendi Setiyatwan, Deny Saefulhajar, U. Hidayat T
Unpad, Jurnal Ilmu Ternak, Desember 2008 Vol. 8 No. 2. 105-108
Unpad, Jurnal Ilmu Ternak, Desember 2008 Vol. 8 No. 2. 105-108
Bahan perekat, kualitas lisik, pellet, Penyimpanan
The solid waste of tapioca and molases were adhesive substance which affect the pellet feed performance during storage. The aims of study were to determine concerning the utilization of adhesive substance during tapioca dregs and molases which affect pellet feed performance during storage. Experimental method was applied using completely randomized design with 2×3 factorial pattern and three replication. The first factor is the difference on adhesive subtances (tapioca dregs and molasses) and the second factor is time of storage ( 0, 2, 4 week). The result of the research indicated that decreasing water activity and the value water conten are not significant on adhesive substances but significant on long time storage. The adhesive substance and the long time of storage significant (P<0,05) to defend the mesh pelles, but not significant to defend the performance pellets feed. It could be concluded that the tapioca dregs and molases is powerful constitute to defend pellets feed perfonnance during storage.